Through our unique support groups, telephone support line, informative website, vital research, advocacy and educational work, HUGG is an essential lifeline for people who have been bereaved by suicide. Our postvention work is an important part of suicide prevention.
Postvention refers to activities that reduce risk and promote healing for people impacted after a suicide. Through being there for those who have lost someone to suicide, HUGG helps to reduce the heightened risk that the bereaved person may experience following a suicide – which it has been established is ten times higher than with the general population.
I’ve lost someone
to suicide
I’m worried about someone
bereaved by suicide
I want to
Articles & Events
Learn more about suicide prevention and postvention.
Read insights about coping after a suicide, and gain an understanding of suicide bereavement, suicide support groups, and suicide in Ireland. You can also learn more about our free information events and fundraising activities.
Memory Meadow
Plant a flower in your loved ones’ name and make them part of our memory meadow.
Each flower planted enables us to maintain and grow our support groups and services for those bereaved by suicide.
Buy a Wildflower
Remembering Fiachra
Happy Birthday Billy
Liam & Charlotte xx
Niall loved forever