Although the pain of suicide loss cannot be eased quickly, there are things that can help:
• Take it one hour at a time, then build it up to one day at a time. Baby steps. Breathe.
• Take ‘time out’ for activities you enjoy – allow yourself time out from the pain you’re experiencing.
• Stay connected to your loved ones and supportive people around you. Don’t isolate yourself.
• Find ways to honour the life of the person who has died e.g. assemble a memory box, photo album, keep a journal, share happy memories and talk about their life.
• Allow people to help you; don’t be embarrassed to accept help.
• Don’t be afraid to tell people how they can help, even it is just to sit with you and hold your hand in silence. Sharing with other people can reduce the sense of isolation and aloneness that comes with grief.
• Stay healthy – eat healthy meals, walk in nature, try to get a good night’s sleep, avoid drugs and keep alcohol to a minimum.
• Prioritise tasks, do only what is essential; try to be kind to yourself.
• Consider joining a HUGG support group to share with others who have had similar experiences. This will help you realise that you are not alone in your experience and that you will survive.
• Take opportunities to join in public ceremonies where you can be private, yet part of a larger group. You can use rituals and customs that are meaningful to you.
• Talk with a counsellor/psychologist to focus on your unique situation, to find support and comfort, and to find other ways to manage and cope.