#TeamHUGG deserves a BIG HUG!
It is with a heart full of gratitude that we can say our amazing Irish Life Dublin Marathon 2023 fundraisers raised a total of €42,865! (an additional €495 has come in after these photos!)
Thank you, Conor and Cáit Nic Carthaigh for raising just over €30,000 and running in memory of your son, Ross. The amount of media coverage you achieved with support from https://www.storylab.ie/ was also incredible. Your story can be seen here: https://mailchi.mp/storylab/whats-new-with-us-find-out-here-13639608?e=fb174367f1
Thank you Michelle Hegarty for raising €4,770 and running in memory of your sister, Maria.
Thank you CLive Kavanagh for raising €7,600 and running memory of your dad, Gordon.
This money will help us to grow our support groups across Ireland and to train and support our volunteers who are also impacted by suicide loss.
To our fundraisers and to all who donated, thank you for supporting HUGG and giving hope to those whose lives are devastated by this loss.
To anyone who is bereaved by suicide, you are not alone on this grief journey.
Dublin Marathon for HUGG - Over €42,000 Raised
Over €42,000 Raised in the Dublin Marathon for HUGG
Over €42,000 Raised in the Dublin Marathon for HUGG