A HUGG Suicide Bereavement Support Group is a place where you can meet other people who have been bereaved by suicide. It offers the opportunity to listen, share, ask questions, and connect with others who understand this devastating grief. Groups are led by a small team of volunteers and all have been bereaved by suicide. The groups meet for about 2 hours. We provide a safe space to share our loss, without fear of being judged, criticized, contradicted or condemned for having these feelings. Groups also offer a small resource library and can share information about local sources of support.

After being bereaved by two members of my family through suicide, HUGG was a God send to me…where you can speak out, you are listened too and you learn from other people who have been bereaved in the same way. They understand the pain, the grief, the emptiness, the good days and the not-so-good days. This group is a journey that none of us chose, it is what chose us.
who lost her grandson and nephew to suicide

I lost my dad to suicide. It’s a complicated, difficult and lonely grief, but I’ve found a lovely path toward healing through HUGG.
who lost her dad to suicide
We know it takes courage to come to a group. You won’t have to talk if you don’t want to – many people don’t, particularly the first time that they come. You don’t have to come again – you don’t even have to stay for the whole session if you decide it’s not for you. But most people return after their first meeting and find that over time, they gain the confidence to speak about themselves. After a while, they may also find they can offer support to others.
If you come to a group but decide that it is not the right thing for you at this time, you are welcome to return later when you feel ready. The first step is to contact us, and we can answer any questions, help you decide if it is the right thing for you to try, and help you find your nearest group. We are a free self-referral service, however, we do not allow walk-ins so please register in advance. You can also attend a HUGG group virtually if you prefer. The Group Facilitators will look out for you when you arrive and make you feel welcome.
Learn More About HUGG Support Groups
We provide peer support groups, where you can meet with other ….
Living with suicide bereavement is difficult and different to a “natural death” …..
HUGG Support Groups have been shown to help people’s …
If you are here because you have been bereaved…
HUGG Support Groups have been shown to help people’s …
We provide peer support groups, where you can meet with other people who have been bereaved by suicide….
If you feel ready to join a group, please click the Join A Group button below and complete the form. We will call you back to answer any questions you might have.